Is Your Bedroom Dull And Drab? 4 Ways To Transform It Into A Luxurious Space

At the end of a long and stressful day, where is the place you can't wait to be? If you're like most people, it's probably your bedroom. If you fall into this category, don't feel alone, as most people probably have the same goal in mind. However, given just how much time you spend in this space, keeping the bedroom comfortable and luxurious is the goal. Here are some tips to help you achieve this.

Upgrade Your Bedding

When you stay at a nice plush hotel, more than the beautiful lights and the accent décor on the desk, the comfort of the bed will remain etched in your mind. You can bring this luxury to your home by upgrading your bedding and pillows. Investing in high count sheets, a down comforter, and new, fluffy pillows is a simple solution that won't just improve the comfort of your space, but it can also boost the appeal of your room.

Incorporate Different Types Of Lighting

Add some variety to the lighting design in your room. To add warmth to the space, you should be relying on a variety of different lighting fixtures, instead of just one type of light, such as track lighting. For example, you can have lamps installed on your nightstand, wall sconces, and a beautiful chandelier in the center of the room. This light variety offers greater control over the level of light within the space, adds texture, and makes the room feel more inviting.

Think "Less Is More"

When decorating a space, some people think the more they add to the space, the more decorative. In reality, the opposite happens. Too much going on in a space equals clutter, which isn't at all synonymous with luxury. Focus on a few statement pieces for the space, such as wall art, a few accent pieces, and a nice, plush rug. This "less is more" approach will keep the space more organized and improve its overall look.

Add Color Variety

While less is more in terms of decorative elements, less doesn't equal more in terms of color variety. Try to avoid designing your room in the same hue all over, such as different shades of yellow. Instead, mix it up with a variety of complementary colors. Given the example of yellow, gold, green, turquoise, off white, and brown are just some of the colors you can also incorporate. This color variety adds appeal and texture.

To improve the look of your bedroom, don't overlook the expertise of an interior decorator. Aluxury interior designer can help you design a look exclusively for your space.
